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Join us for a fun program all about rabbits.  We'll have games, a craft, and even a visit by a pet rabbit.  For kids ages 6-8.  Pre-registration required.

Astronomy Night

The River Bend Astronomy Club will be here with telescopes.  Join them anytime from 7-9pm.  No registration required.

Night Life

Gather at the fire for songs & stories as we learn about night creatures.  We'll also roast marshmallows & hike a trail.  $5 per family.  Adult and family program.

Ducks Waddle

Enjoy a book, games, walk, and craft as we learn about these charismatic animals.  Registration required.  Family program.


Come learn about this interesting group of animals.  We'll have a meet and greet with our resident snake and make a snakey craft.  Registration required - call, email or facebook message us.  Family program.

Bees & Tea

Come sip cold tea of different flavors while learning about bees.  We'll also tast different types of honey and go on a little walk in search of working bees.   Family and adult program.  Registration required.

Sounds of Nature

Puppet show, "What Does the Fox Say?"  All about animal sounds.  Family program.  Registration required - call, email or facebook message us.

Chameleon Fun

Listen to a story, The Mixed-up Chameleon and do a craft, play a game, and go for a hike.  Family program.  Registration required.