Nature Tales
For kids ages 3-5 with an adult. We'll learn about animals in winter, play some games, and make a craft. Registration required - facebook message, email or call.
For kids ages 3-5 with an adult. We'll learn about animals in winter, play some games, and make a craft. Registration required - facebook message, email or call.
All artists (ages & skill level) can submit. Deadline is January 28th. See flyer and entry form for more info. 2nd Annual Art Show @ Ballard Natuer Center 2nd Art Show Entry Form
Got cabin fever? Then get out of the house and join us for this fun family program. We'll have a book and activities about birds. A trail walk activity will be part of the fun. No fee. Register by email, phone, or facebook message.
2nd Annual Art Show going on through the month of February.
Join Randy Harrison as he helps you view constellations, Mars, & the great Orion Nebula. We’ll also see if we can identify the bright Messier Objects in certain constellations. Get a look at a very special visitor, who last visited 50,000 years ago, the comet c/2022 E(ZTF). Randy will have a telescope & a giant..
A Valentine’s Day theme. Book, Slugs in Love, games and craft. For kids ages 3-5 with adult. Pre-register - email, phone or facebook message.
Breakfast with the Birds - enjoy a light breakfast as you learn about our winter birds. We'll also watch them at the feeders. For adults of all ages. Pre-registration required.
Enjoy an escape from the winter blahs. Tropical treats, drinks, a short presentation on Hawaii's wildlife, and a craft await you. Adult program. $5 fee. Pre-regsitration required. Dress in tropical attie for added fun.
For kids in 1st-4th grades. We'll learn about cardinals and other winter birds. Games & crafting, too. $5 fee. Pre-registration required.
A fun and interactive fundraising event at the Effingham Performance Center to benefit the Ballard Nature Center. Doors open at 6:00pm Races start at 7:00pm A night that re-creates being at a true horserace. Attendees will place bets in increments of $5.00 prior to each race. Daily Double and 50/50 will able be available for..