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Woodpecker Program
Adult program in the outdoors. Learn about the fascinating adaptations of woodpeckers, how to ID the species that live here, & take an evening stroll. Call to register.
A Nite at the Races
Fundraiser held at the EPC. Must purchase tickets prior to the event. Ballard Flyer 2020 Horse Race.docx (1)
Forest Fables & Fairy Tales
Take a self-guided hike along our trail decorated with familiar characters from fables/tales. Read a few stories along the way, test your knowledge of popular fairy tales, and try to..
Chicken Fun
Self-guided trail featuring a book by one of our own educators. There will be fun activities along the trail and a craft. Lots of amazing facts about chickens and their..
5K Trail Run
Spooky Trail
Spooky Trail Details: Come hike a spooky decorated trail and go through the jack-o-lantern tunnel. October 30 from 3pm-8pm (closed from 5:40-6:30pm) The trail will be self-led and it will..
Facebook Online Auction
online auctionflyer
Turkey Fun
Hike our special trail featuring the storybook "Turkey Trouble." There will also be activities along the trail and info about wild turkeys. Self-led. Available anytime during the day.
Holiday Tree Trek
2020 holiday tree trek brochure