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Holiday Tree Trek

2020 holiday tree trek brochure

Saturday Night Lights

Come hike a luminary lit trail.  Come anytime from 5:30-7:30pm.  Local Girl Scouts will be handing out glow bracelets.

Storywalk & Birding

Come enjoy a story along the trail and do a fun search and find bird identifying activity.  Available from 12:30-3pm.  Bird viewing windows in the visitor center will also be..

Snowflake Trail

Come walk the main woodland trail to see snowflakes made by local school children.

Owl Prowl

Come learn about our common owls and take a hike to listen for them.  Barred owls begin nesting in February, so hopefull we will hear our resident pair.  Call or..

Horse Race Fundraiser

A Nite at the Races with Ballard Nature Center A fun and interactive fundraising event at the Effingham Performance Center to benefit the Ballard Nature Center. Mark your calendar for..

Luminary Trail

Come out anytime between 7pm and 8:30pm to take a walk on this special luminary lit trail to celebrate the first day of spring, which is March 20.

Egg Fun

Come anytime from 1pm-3pm for a fun self-guided trail all about animals that lay eggs, a chick search, and an "I spy" egg hunt.  Not an Easter egg hunt.

Birds & Blooms

Come enjoy the spring woodland flowers and learn to identify some of our common birds.  Adult program.  Pre-registration required.