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Birds & Blooms

Come enjoy the spring woodland flowers and learn to identify some of our common birds.  Adult program.  Pre-registration required.

Summer Camp Registration

Registration for kids' summer camps begins.  See schedule on summer camp page for all the details.

Garden Party

Get dressed up and put on your pretty/stylish hats.  We'll sip tea, eat treats, take a walk, and play games.  Registration required.

Slow Going Snails

They may be slow, but they are still interesting.  We'll have a fun book, game, and craft.  Bring a blanket to sit on for storytime.  Registration required.

Night Hike

Who is prowling around BNC in the night?  Let's find out!  Learn about nocturnal animals with activities and a hike.  Registration required.

Nocturnal Fun

We will gather in a darkened lower level classroom and have fun learning about the creatures that prowl at night.  Family program.  Pre-registration required.


A story, activity, and craft.  We'll take a walk and try to catch some.  Bring a blanket for storytime.  Registration required.

Hoot & Peck

A story featuring an owl and a woodpecker, then activities to learn more about them.  Bring a blanket for storytime.  Registration required.

Fun with Birds

Make a peanut butter & seed feeder, paint a birdhouse, and learn about our local birds.  Registration required.