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Art Show

Art from local artists of all ages will be on display in the visitor center Feb. 8-26.

Nature Tales

We'll learn about unhuggable animals and have some valentine-themed fun.  For kids ages 3-5 with adult.  Registration required.  10am

Nature Tales

We'll learn about unhuggable animals and have some valentine-themed fun.  For kids ages 3-5 with adult.  Registration required.  1pm

Birds in Your Backyard

Adult program.  Learn how to recognize the birds at your feeder & in your yard.  Door prizes.  Registration required.

Gourd Painting

Learn about birds that nest in bird boxes or tree holes.  Paint a birdhouse gourd.  For kids ages 8-11.  Registration required.

Nature Tales

"Froggy Fun"  Program includes a book, games, craft, and walk.  For kids ages 3-5 with adult.  Registration required.

Nature Tales

"Froggy Fun"  Program includes a book, games, craft and walk.  For kids ages 3-5 with adult.  Registration required.

Birds & Beans

Sip on coffee and snack on cookies as you learn about our common birds and get tips on how to identify them and attract them to your yard.  A suggested..