Senior Moments
Senior Moments Join us in having a fun and memorable senior moment. Fall Fun & Games: Test your knowledge of nature in an enjoyable and fun way. Join us for..
Senior Moments Join us in having a fun and memorable senior moment. Fall Fun & Games: Test your knowledge of nature in an enjoyable and fun way. Join us for..
Come walk a trail lit by many beautiful luminaria of varying types & other decorations. Enjoy a fire and cookies. Free will donation.
Join Randy Harrison, of Looking Up Optics, at around 5pm and enjoy a night under the stars. Bring a chair and a pair of binoculars, if you have some. We..
For kids in grades 1st-3rd. 10am-1pm. We’ll have all kinds of winter-themed fun as we craft, play games, hike, and more. Bring a lunch. Registration required. $5 fee per child. ..
Kids in 2nd - 5th grades School is out for Martin Luther King Day, so it is a great time to come out to Ballard Nature Center for winter fun. We’ll..
For kids ages 3-5 with an adult. We'll learn about animals in winter, play some games, and make a craft. Registration required - facebook message, email or call.
All artists (ages & skill level) can submit. Deadline is January 28th. See flyer and entry form for more info. 2nd Annual Art Show @ Ballard Natuer Center 2nd Art..
Got cabin fever? Then get out of the house and join us for this fun family program. We'll have a book and activities about birds. A trail walk activity will..
2nd Annual Art Show going on through the month of February.
Join Randy Harrison as he helps you view constellations, Mars, & the great Orion Nebula. We’ll also see if we can identify the bright Messier Objects in certain constellations. Get..