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Nature Tales

For kids ages 3-5 with an adult.  We'll learn about animals in winter, play some games, and make a craft.  Registration required - facebook message, email or call.

2nd Annual Art Show Deadline

All artists (ages & skill level) can submit.  Deadline is January 28th.  See flyer and entry form for more info. 2nd Annual Art Show @ Ballard Natuer Center 2nd Art..

Beat the Blues with Birds

Got cabin fever?  Then get out of the house and join us for this fun family program.  We'll have a book and activities about birds.  A trail walk activity will..

Art Show

2nd Annual Art Show going on through the month of February.

Sky Orienteering

Join Randy Harrison as he helps you view constellations, Mars, & the great Orion Nebula.  We’ll also see if we can identify the bright Messier Objects in certain constellations.  Get..

Nature Tales

A Valentine’s Day theme.  Book, Slugs in Love, games and craft.  For kids ages 3-5 with adult.  Pre-register - email, phone or facebook message.  

Senior Moments

Breakfast with the Birds - enjoy a light breakfast as you learn about our winter birds.  We'll also watch them at the feeders.  For adults of all ages.  Pre-registration required.

A Tropical Escape

Enjoy an escape from the winter blahs.  Tropical treats, drinks, a short presentation on Hawaii's wildlife, and a craft await you.  Adult program.  $5 fee.  Pre-regsitration required.  Dress in tropical..

A Splash of Red

For kids in 1st-4th grades.  We'll learn about cardinals and other winter birds.  Games & crafting, too.  $5 fee.  Pre-registration required.

Horse Race Fundraiser

A fun and interactive fundraising event at the Effingham Performance Center to benefit the Ballard Nature Center. Doors open at 6:00pm Races start at 7:00pm A night that re-creates being..