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Wild Times

Wild Times Exotics, from Springfield, will be here for an awesome presentation with live animals.  The program will last one hour.  Registration is required by facebook message, email, or phone. ..

Senior Moments

Come learn about the frogs that live at Ballard.  We'll listen to their calls and we'll even have some live specimens to see.  A little craft project is included.  For..

Golden Egg Hunt

For adults and teens.   Come out anytime on April 6, sunrise to sunset.  Find a golden egg and take a photo of yourselft holding it.  Submit your photo for a..

Egg Fun Family Activity

Come walk a special trail lined with fun activities about eggs & animals that lay eggs.  Self-guided.  Come anytime during 1pm to 3pm.  Cancelled if inclement weather.

Senior Moments

What's Hatching?  Come learn about the amazing variety of eggs and the animals that lay them.  We'll have a couple live animal guest to meet.  You can sample a few..

Luminary Walk

Celebrate spring with a walk on our special luminary-lined woodland trail.  Enjoy beautiful luminaria of different types and other decorations.  You can also roast marshmallows at the firepit and do..

Shed Hunt

Whitetails Unlimited Central IL chapter is hosting its annual shed hunt at Ballard Nature Center.  Antler sheds will be hidden Easter egg style.  Open to children 0-18 in high school. ..

Mother-Daughter Tea Party

A Sunday afternoon tea party will be lots of fun for mothers and their daughters (ages 5-10yrs).  Enjoy tea, snacks, games, craft, and learn about flowers.  $7 fee per child. ..

Jumping Frogs

Family program all about frogs.  Includes a puppet show, game, walk, and craft.  Register by email or phone starting May 18.


Join Randy Harrison as he helps you view constellations & other space objects.   Randy will have a telescope & a giant pair of  binoculars.   Bring your own binoculars, if you..