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Campfire Program

Gather around a toasty fire for stories, songs, and fun.  A trail walk to "hunt" for turkeys, too.   Call to pre-register.  No fee.  Our last campfire until next spring.

Holiday Tree Trek Begins

Throughout December, we have a fun self-guided search & find activity on the trails.  Find and take selfies with special trees to get entered into drawings for prizes.  Get brochure/map at the visitor center or in decorated mailbox near visitor center.

Christmas Crafting

Come make several Christmas crafts.  Ages 3 and up.  Call to register.

Holiday Safari

The whole family will enjoy this fun program with live animals presented by Animal Tales.  Call to register.  No fee.

Toddler Trot

This program may include a story, games, and craft.   Ages 2-5years, with adult.

Toddler Trot

This program may include a story, games, and craft.   Ages 2-5years, with adult.

Winter Solstice Celebration

Enjoy a luminary trail, bonfire, and fun activities.  Indoors and out.  No fee.  For all ages.

Winter Fun

Activities about winter and the animals' survival skills.  For kids ages 6-10.  Bring a lunch.  $3.  Call to register.