Nature Tales
For kids 3-5 with adult. This fun program is all about turkeys and includes a silly story, craft, and games. Call or email us to register
For kids 3-5 with adult. This fun program is all about turkeys and includes a silly story, craft, and games. Call or email us to register
This scavenger hunt is for adults (but kids can help them). Decorations are tied to 3 trees along the main woodland trail. There is also a sign attached to each tree with two Christmas trivia questions. Find the trees and answer the questions to get entered into a prize drawing. Full details are on a..
Follow this special trail and take part in the 12 days of Christmas—Ballard Nature Center style. Fill in blanks on a paper with the animals that you see on signs along the trail. Turn in your paper for a chance to win a prize. This is set up along the Ridgetop Trail.
Follow a trail of candlelit luminaries, many different types. There will also be a fire to enjoy. No fee, but donations accepted.
We'll read the book, Stick Man, and make a craft using sticks. For kids ages 3-5 with adult. Pre-registration required, call or email.
Come paint a snowman picture, learn about snowflakes, and play some games. For kids ages 7-9. $5. Registration required.
Come learn about the different ways animals cope with winter. Lots of activities. For kids ages 8-11. $5. Registration required.
Art from local artists of all ages will be on display in the visitor center Feb. 8-26.
We'll learn about unhuggable animals and have some valentine-themed fun. For kids ages 3-5 with adult. Registration required. 10am