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Sense-ational Night Hike

Use your senses on this hike after dark.  Family & adult program.  Register by email or phone starting July 14.

Buzzy Bees

We'll discover many types of bees as we walk a trail.  We'll also have games and a craft.  Family program.  Register by email or phone starting July 19.

Astronomy Night

The Riverbend Club will set up telescopes for public viewing.  In the sky for viewing will be a thin crescent moon, star clusters, nebula, double stars and more.  Saturn will..

3D Bow Shoot Fundraiser

Thirty targets. $30 for adults, $20 for ages 12-18, $10 for 11 and under.  Includes a meal.

3D Bow Shoot

Thirty targets. $30 for adults, $20 for ages 12-18, $10 for 11 and under.  Includes a meal.

Senior Moments

We'll have crafts using leaves, learn to identify common trees by their leaves, and take a walk to look at trees.  Adult program.  Register by email, phone or facebook message.

Raptor Program

The World Bird Sanctuary will be here with live hawks & owls.  It will be in the lower level and last approx. 45 minutes.  For all ages.  Register by email,..

Campfire Night

Gather 'round a fire for stories & songs.  There will also be activities and a hike.  Family program.  Pre-register by Sept. 27.

Spooky Night

Hike a spooky trail and collect treats from nocturnal animal puppets along the way.  A 5:15pm, 6:15pm and 7:15pm time to choose from.  $5 fee per child.  Designed for ages..

Fundraising Banquet

Our annual fundraiser includes appetizers, wine tasting, meal, raffles, games, silent and live auctions. 2023 Banquet Flyer