Ladies’ Night
We will have vendors, learning opportunities, snacks and drinks. Come out for unique items and get a start on your Christmas shopping.
We will have vendors, learning opportunities, snacks and drinks. Come out for unique items and get a start on your Christmas shopping.
Please join us for this fun night! There will be wine tasting, meal, raffles, liquor pull, DJ, and silent and live auction. More details and a ticket order form are on our website under "about us" then "how to help." Location is the Effingham Event Center. All proceeds go toward our operational costs. Ticket order..
A fun search and find activity that runs from Nov. 28 through Dec. 31. Find six special trees that are decorated for Christmas to enter a drawing for prizes. 2019 holiday tree trek brochure
Come make several fun & festive craft projects. We'll be painting, too. Ages 4 to adult welcome. Call to register.
This program may include a story, game, & craft. If weather permits, we hike a trail. Ages 2-5 with adult.
This program may include a story, game, & craft. If weather permits, we hike a trail. Ages 2-5 with adult.
There will be games and a decorated trail. Come out anytime from 1pm-3pm and enjoy the fun. Family program, ages 4-12. Call to register.
Winter themed games, activities, and craft. A fun hike also included. Family program. Call to register.
Enjoy the "wolf moon" and a luminated trail walk. There will also be a telescope set up for viewing the moon's craters.