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Christmas Crafting

Come make several fun & festive craft projects.  We'll be painting, too.  Ages 4 to adult welcome.  Call to register.

Toddler Trot

This program may include a story, game, & craft.  If weather permits, we hike a trail.  Ages 2-5 with adult.

Toddler Trot

This program may include a story, game, & craft.  If weather permits, we hike a trail.  Ages 2-5 with adult.

Christmas Fun

There will be games and a decorated trail.  Come out anytime from 1pm-3pm and enjoy the fun.  Family program, ages 4-12.  Call to register.

Winter Boredum Buster

Winter themed games, activities, and craft.  A fun hike also included.  Family program.   Call to register.

Full Moon Stroll

Enjoy the "wolf moon" and a luminated trail walk.  There will also be a telescope set up for viewing the moon's craters.

Winter Birds

Enjoy a slide program about the birds that you are likely to have visiting you bird feeder.  Learn about how to attract birds throughout the winter.   Call to register.

Beat the Blues

This program will be full of great ideas on how to beat the winter blues using essential oils and exercise. Call to register.