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Toddler Trot

Fun for ages 3-5 years old with adult.  Include books, games, craft and walk.  10am.

Pumpkin Party

Come and paint a pumpkin.  Family program.  Pre-register.

Haunted Hike

Hike a decorated woodland trail and be ready to encounter some spooks, yikes.  Sign up for a 6:30pm or a 7:30pm hike time.  We will also have a ghost story and games.  Pre-registration required.

Creeps and Treats

Live animal presentation with some creepy critters, like spiders and snakes.  We will also take a hike on the decorated trail and receive some treats from the "animals."  Non-scary hike.  Pre-registration required. More info AnimalTalesFlyerCreepy

Ladies’ Night

We will have vendors, learning opportunities, snacks and drinks.  Come out for unique items and get a start on your Christmas shopping.

Annual Fundraiser

Please join us for this fun night!  There will be wine tasting, meal, raffles, liquor pull, DJ, and silent and live auction.  More details and a ticket order form are on our website under "about us" then "how to help."  Location is the Effingham Event Center.  All proceeds go toward our operational costs. Ticket order..

Holiday Tree Trek

A fun search and find activity that runs from Nov. 28 through Dec. 31.  Find six special trees that are decorated for Christmas to enter a drawing for prizes.  2019 holiday tree trek brochure

Christmas Crafting

Come make several fun & festive craft projects.  We'll be painting, too.  Ages 4 to adult welcome.  Call to register.

Toddler Trot

This program may include a story, game, & craft.  If weather permits, we hike a trail.  Ages 2-5 with adult.

Toddler Trot

This program may include a story, game, & craft.  If weather permits, we hike a trail.  Ages 2-5 with adult.