Senior Moments
We'll have crafts using leaves, learn to identify common trees by their leaves, and take a walk to look at trees. Adult program. Register by email, phone or facebook message.
We'll have crafts using leaves, learn to identify common trees by their leaves, and take a walk to look at trees. Adult program. Register by email, phone or facebook message.
The World Bird Sanctuary will be here with live hawks & owls. It will be in the lower level and last approx. 45 minutes. For all ages. Register by email, phone, or facebook message.
Gather 'round a fire for stories & songs. There will also be activities and a hike. Family program. Pre-register by Sept. 27.
Hike a spooky trail and collect treats from nocturnal animal puppets along the way. A 5:15pm, 6:15pm and 7:15pm time to choose from. $5 fee per child. Designed for ages 5-9, but all are welcome. Parents attend with children. Registration open on Oct 17-25. Register by facebook message, email, or phone.
Our annual fundraiser includes appetizers, wine tasting, meal, raffles, games, silent and live auctions. 2023 Banquet Flyer
Learn about owls, make a craft, and take a hike. Maybe we'll hear one! For adults and families with kids 7 year old and older. Registration required - email, phone, or facebook message.
Take a hike along a special trail as you learn about the things animals might want in their stockings. Find the special tree and get a treat! A simple craft and fun games will be available in the lower level of the visitor center. Come anytime from 1-3pm. $5 fee per family.
Kids ages 7-10 will learn about owls, take a hike, and make a really cute craft. $10 fee. Registration required by email or phone.
Adult program. Come learn about the birds in your backyard during a slide show and fun activity. Learn tricks to identify them and attract them to your yard. You will go home with a log peanut butter feeder. Program fee: $5 Registration required. Register by email, phone, or FB message.
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