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An Almost Campout

Kids ages 9-12     $15 Lots of campout type activities, exploring on the trails, & a campfire cookout including hotdogs, watermelon, & s’mores.  Call or e-mail for info on how to register.  

Extended Summer Fun

Kids ages 7-11     $10      Bring a lunch Effingham schools are starting up later than usual, so make the most of it!  We will explore in the creek, play games, and craft.    Call or e-mail for info on how to register.

Sheriff’s Posse Ride

Begins at Legacy Harley-Davidson and ends at the nature center.  Registration from 8-9:30am at Legacy.  Proceeds benefit Ballard Nature Center.

Stollin’ and Rollin’

Come out to enjoy nature with your little one.  Ages 0-2 (old kids welcome also) Bring your stroller and we will take a nature walk.

Family Campfire

Night Flight - lots of fun activities about creatures that fly in the night.  We'll have story, play a game, hike a trail, and make a treat.  Call to register.

3D Bow Shoot

Thirty targets throughout the trails.  $20 per shooter, includes a meal.  Trails closed to non-shooters.

Astronomy Night

The River Bend Astronomy Club will be set up with several telescopes.  Come look through them and learn about the night sky.  Come anytime between 7pm and 10pm.

3D Bow Shoot

Thirty targets throughout the trails.  $20 per shooter, includes a meal.  Trails closed to non-shooters.

Toddler Trot

Fun for ages 3-5, with adult.  Includes books, games, crafts, and hike.

Toddler Trot

Fun for ages 3-5, with adult.  Includes books, games, crafts, and hike.