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Walking with Llamas

THIS IS CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN COMING IN ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY.   Come out and walk on the trail with llamas.  We'll also have some yard games for kids.  No..

Cicada Fun

They are coming whether you are ready or not.  Are you excited for this natural phenomenon?  Or are you dreading it?  Either way, join us as we have some fun..

Campfire Night

Gather ‘round the fire for songs & stories as we learn about bats.  We’ll also roast marshmallows & and take a hike on a trail.   Registration required by email, phone,..

Burrower Bash

Join us as we learn about the creatures who live under our feet!  We’ll read a story, get on the trail, and enjoy a fun snack.  Register by email, phone,..

Flutter and Hop

Enjoy a book, The Caterpillar and the Polliwog, and learn about butterflies and frogs.  We’ll search for them on the trail, too.  Register by email, phone, or facebook.  Registration begins..

Just Ducky

You’ll “quack up” as we have lots of fun learning about ducks with a book and  silly games.  Register by email, phone, or facebook.  Family program.  Registration begins on June..

Nature Detectives

There’s a mystery to be solved at the nature center.  Put on your “thinking caps” as we solve riddles, find clues, and do some sleuthing on the trail!  Register by..

Buzzy Bees

Join Angie Moeller in learning about important pollinators, especially honeybees.  We will learn  how bees get nectar, the parts of a flower, and beekeeping.  Activities include games, honey tasting, &..

Sky Orientation

Join Randy Harrison (Master Naturalist) to tour the Heavens above learning/viewing the summer constellations, bright stars, location of deep sky objects, Milky Way, and the moon.  Our summer skies are..

Pressed Flower Craft

Join BNC volunteer Jane Ann Zerkel for a fun evening.    We’ll learn a bit about flowers and the art of preserving them by pressing.  We’ll use pre-pressed flowers (collected from..