Watch Out Weather
Hear about the five worst storm in US history. There will be weather experiments and a walk. Family program. Call to register.
Hear about the five worst storm in US history. There will be weather experiments and a walk. Family program. Call to register.
Night Flight! Come learn about animals that fly in the night. Activities, treat, and trail hike. Call to register.
A fun stress-buster progam for adults. Deb Scholes will lead us in painting a picture in the great outdoors. $5 fee. Call to regsiter.
Will your family figure the way out? There will be three escape rooms. A great challenge!
Make us part of your July 4th celebration. Come enjoy a yummy breakfast for a free-will donation. There will be activities for the kids, too.
Watch a puppet show (The Big-mouthed Frog), learn about frogs, and play games. Family program. Call to register.
Listen to a story about ducks while enjoying a donut snack. We'll have ducky activities and a little walk, too. Call to register.
Summer brings playing outside, lemonade, and ice cream. We will enjoy all of this and more, like fishing and hiking. Call to regsiter.
In this puppet show, animals will compete for the title of "Most Special Animal." The audience will select the winner. Fun activities are also part of the program. Family program. Call to register.
Kids ages 9-12 $15 Lots of campout type activities, exploring on the trails, & a campfire cookout including hotdogs, watermelon, & s’mores. Call or e-mail for info on how to register.