Toddler Trot
For kids ages 2-5 with parent/grandparent. Program may include craft, story, games, and walk.
For kids ages 2-5 with parent/grandparent. Program may include craft, story, games, and walk.
Come learn about animals that lay eggs and the amazing variety of eggs. An egg hunt is part of the fun! Sign up for a 1pm or 3pm time slot. Pre-registration required. Family program.
Learn about spring wildflowers and plant some of your own to take home. Pre-register.
Check out our page "Summer Camps" for the complete schedule.
Check out our page "Summer Camps" for the complete schedule.
The River Bend Astronomy Club will be here with their telescopes. Come look and learn about the night sky.
Listen to a story (Bird Fee are Neat & Feathers for Lunch), participate in related activities, and make a craft. Family program. Call to register.
Watch a puppet show (The Big-mouthed Frog), learn about frogs, and play games. Family program. Call to register.
Senior citizens can enjoy activities and presentations from noon-4pm. We'll have flower arranging, chair yoga, golf cart rides and more! No fee.
Listen to a story (Pie in the Sky) and particpate in related activities. We'll make a special cherry pie treat. Family program. Call to register.